Sunday, March 20, 2011

Best Saturday Night, Ever

Now, before I start, I just want to let everyone know I support my friends 100% while their husbands are deployed. This means listening to venting, hanging out, bringing dinner, etc. I have no problem with a little bit of the deployment blues. What I do have a problem with, is women (and men) who feel like they are the only ones in the world who have gone through a deployment and like to complain about it on a daily basis. Over the years I've run across a few of these, and in the beginning, I was understanding, but, after months of complaining and whining about their husband being gone, I had to keep myself from telling them what I really think. And, because of this, I've lost a few friends. Good news is, they weren't that great of friends to begin with. It was usually me giving, and them taking, and nothing reciprocal. Definitely not my idea of a great friendship.
Anyway, last night I stumbled across a Facebook post on a military spouse group. It said that this girl told her friend to suck it up after she had been complaining non-stop about having to have a child while her husband was deployed. Having done this, I can relate where a lot of women cannot. Most women aren't forced into that situation, and I'm glad. But, in all honesty, it wasn't that big of a deal to me. It's not like John was such a HUGE help while I was in labor the first time, and I was planning on having my best friend Andrea and my mom along my side anyway. So, yeah, I understand complaining a few times, but on a daily basis? It's not going to change the fact that you need to be a strong woman and get through the situation on your own two feet. When you marry a man in the military, you know full well going in that you're going to spend a lot of nights alone. It comes with the territory.
So, after stating my opinion on this group (which is what it's for) all sorts of women started jumping down my throat. It was hilarious. First, the were arguing my words, which is what a good ol' fashion debate is supposed to be like. And I was enjoying it. But, all too soon was this great debate over and people were throwing out words and phrases that not only had I never heard, but put a terrible taste in my mouth. I can swear like a sailor if I choose to, but, for the most part, I feel like I am more intelligent than that and can articulate a thoughtful sentence without dropping the F bomb every other word. That and the grammar was terrible. I happen to be an English nerd, so I understand not everyone enjoys putting a sentence together correctly or even knows how, but, at least take advantage of the spell check on your computer!! It's hard to ignore a word underlined in red, and even easier to click on it and choose the correct word.
After that, one girl (and then a few of her friends) decided to start attacking me personally. I guess they were running out of things to say about the topic (perhaps I had argued my point well?) and started bashing me about the sweater I had on in my profile picture. I have had numerous comments on my sweater, so, I'm really not sure what they thought was so ugly about it, but, whatever. I happen to love that sweater, and could care less what a bunch of drunken (yes, they made numerous comments about drinking Smirnoff, which is a whole other hilarious side to this thread), inarticulate, uneducated, women have to say about my appearance. I just thought it was hilarious they kept telling me I had an ugly sweater, over and over again. I actually at one point even told them that the ugly sweater comments weren't working and they should find something else to bash me on. I believe I also threw in "sweetheart." Funny thing is, that stopped the personal attacks. Ha.
Anyway, towards the end, I decided to just take the high road, and be nice, which turned the whole thread into a nice little light-hearted conversation. That's about when I left the thread, but I kept checking back on it and another girl came in and started talking smack about me and a couple of my friends who were backing me up. I decided to refrain since it would have just been far too easy to prove my point once again, but, it definitely took a little internal fortitude. I really wanted to defend myself, but I know that's exactly what they wanted. Especially when they started calling me and my friends Stepford Wives. I don't know which is funnier, that, or the ugly sweater...
So, looking back on the conversation this morning, I feel like it's something I need to print out and save because it is just too hilarious. I never stepped over the line and held myself like an adult, which is more to say about the rest of them. I have met some amazing women both on Facebook and in real life who are friends I know I can count on for anything (and have) during my military spouse career so far. It always amazes me when I find a woman who is SO much different and thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread, but, when the military hires young men and women straight out of high school, and they don't have the opportunity to really grow up, it's easy to hang on to that cattiness so many school age girls have. It's unfortunate and I hope, for their own sake, they learn to mature in a way that will bring them happiness in life. Because, we all know, it's those catty girls that are attacking others to make up for their own short comings.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Friday? WHY!?!

I'm back!! I know, you're thinking, I had no idea she went anywhere! Well, you're right. I've actually just been going crazy (turns out, it is as bad as Hollywood makes it seem). March has NOT been nice to me. And neither have my children. If you're interested, let me just give you a run down of TODAY.

9:00AM: Find Victoria with red nail polish.
9:02AM: Notice the red nail polish has been shared with Anneliese, who is now finger painting her high chair tray.
9:28AM: Finish wiping entire kitchen/dining room down with nail polish remover. This includes throwing out a couple plates.
9:30AM: Calm down enough to allow Victoria out of her room.
10:22 AM: Find Anneliese near the cat box in the bathroom while Victoria is going potty. Annie is chewing on something.
10:22:30AM: Learn the item in question is not actually cat poop, but a raisin. Laugh and call mom.
11:14AM: Friend arrives, and promptly enters the car to head towards the fabric store.
11:45AM: Arrive at store, Victoria tries to bolt into traffic.
12:30PM: Leave fabric store, Victoria, once again, tries to run into the parking lot towards car.
12:35PM: Head to new fabric store (John will not like this place for financial reasons), and fall in love.
2:00PM: Get girls home and down for a nap. Time to relax.
2:30PM: Tori decides she doesn't want to take a nap. Scratch relaxing.
3:30PM: Remember to defrost cube steaks for dinner. Frantically throw them in microwave.
5:00PM: Toss cube steaks in pan, find bag of coleslaw in fridge. Follow directions, and after making the coleslaw, remember you really dislike it. Skip veggies for dinner and eat only steak.
5:15PM: Finish dinner, and go sit on the couch to digest. Hear Victoria rummaging around in bathroom. Call Victoria to front room, see she is covered in make-up. Send child to time out.
5:18PM: Remove child from time-out and make sure they are clear as to why playing with mommy's make-up is bad. Point is not received, despite numerous efforts.
5:49PM: Grab children and head towards car to run few quick errands before bedtime. Pull on door handle 3-4 times, each pull slightly more frantic.
5:50PM: Look on center console of vehicle, and see car keys. Call husband, who refuses to be late for work to bring me spare.
5:52PM: Yell in garage.
5:53PM: Head inside, and inform fellow errand runners you will not be joining them.
6:30PM: Victoria finds garlic powder and decorates floor. Sent to bed early.
8:45PM: Anneliese is still wide awake and giggling.
9:30PM: Mommy is tired, Anneliese is not. Going to be a long night.