Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A report from the sickly's

First off, I just wanted to know that Tori and I are in the stages of recovery right now. So, we've survived the flu/cold from hell. I didn't need to go into the ER to get an IV, although it was close. I wasn't keeping anything, water included, down for about 12 hours. I was praying to the porcelain gods every 30 minutes and drinking at least half a glass of water in between in hopes that it would partially absorb into my body and make the next “session” a little more bearable. Usually, I don't think I would have been so concerned, but since I'm very pregnant, I didn't want to take any chances. I was very light headed and my whole body hurt and was on protest. As of yesterday I was finally starting to eat some real meals, and although I still don't have much of an appetite, at least I'm eating and keeping it all down. So, here’s to hoping I haven’t lost any more weight since I’m sure my midwife won’t be happy if I have. So far, I’ve only gained 5 lbs. Good new is, Anneliese is very healthy and continuing to steal all of my body’s nutrition since she was 3.5 lbs last week at almost 30 weeks along.
Tori is on day 5 of her diarrhea (I'm sure she'll hate me for saying that a few years down the road) and still pretty lethargic and snuggly, but she is loads better than she was just a few days ago. And, best part is, unlike 4-5 days ago, she is actually telling me when she poops (not that my nose hasn’t already informed me). Looks like we’re slowly creeping closer to the potty training stage, I just hope it coincides nicely with post Anneliese and John coming home. I won’t have the energy to devote to it before then, plus, she’ll revert back during any huge life changes.

Other than that, everything is going well. I’m beginning to catch up on housework that has been neglected recently, and fold all the laundry that was mounding up on the second couch. So, that has been… fun. I’ve realized my energy is waning not only from this past immune system failure, but because I am getting more and more pregnant as the days go on. I’m remembering just how tired I was during the last couple months with Victoria, and that I am I’m hitting that stage now. Oh joy. Wish me luck. I officially have less than 10 weeks left until my due date. I suppose it’s time to finally clean out the office and go out and buy that nursery furniture!

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