Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Olivia's Rules of Life

Tori watches this show called Olivia (originally a book series) and she has many "rules of life". Here are some of my favorites:

3. If you have to sit next to a little brother eating spaghetti you'd better wear a rain coat.

4. If you really want to hide your baby brother, change his diaper first.

5. Not everyone looks good in red, especially when you're pink.

15. If your little brother eats like a wild animal, it doesn't mean he is.

21. Little brothers don't know anything about being a mommy.

24. If you have a pet that never ever ever moves, watch out cuz one day he will.

28. I know this is hard to believe, but more of something isn't always better.

31. Most people think animals don't talk, but they do. They just talk very quietly.

34. Sometimes your lucky tights are luckier than you thought.

38. Just because a dog looks cute in a nurses hat doesn't mean he's a very good nurse.

41. What's the point to take kids to work if they can't help.

42. If it weren't for mothers, little brothers would be very stinky.

44. Sometimes children know better than their parent, but we never tell them.

47. Walking up things is harder than walking down them, but the view is beautiful.

47. School glue has many uses.

52. If your mom is having a baby and she asks you whether you want a brother or a sister, that does not mean you're really going to get the kind you ask for.

55. If your teacher says no to a sea lion or an elephant, a tiger is probably out of the question.

68. If you build a really big solar system, make sure you have a really big bedroom door.

88. If you wake your baby brother from a nap, he will be sad and your mother will be upset too.

100. Red is the very best color for absolutely positively everything.

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