Monday, September 20, 2010

Quite a night

After years of pining after every Subaru Outback we drove past, my husband has finally got one of his own this past Friday. Granted, it's not a brand new one like I wish I could have given him (I will one day get him a new one), he loves it. My original plan was to have one like this for him when he returned from Afghanistan months ago, but I just couldn't make it all happen. Maybe next time I'll upgrade his. Hmm...
Anyway, it is a really nice 30th anniversary edition with leather, so he is really excited. After we picked up the car, we decided to stop at In N Out Burger (AKA: Amazing idea!). It was really good, especially since we hardly ever get it now that we're not in California anymore. We scarfed out double double animal style burgers while Tori and I shared my fries and Neapolitan shake and some pink lemonade. A little boy was playing peek-a-boo with Tori through the windows, and made a few threats to John with a his straw when he kept giving the little boy bad looks (foreshadowing?). John thought it was hilarious though. That and when a little kid spilt his soda behind us, mouthed off to his mother, and then slipped in his soda (instant Karma).
Finally, the time came to leave, and I loaded up the girls into my car, and John and our friend Derek got into John's new outback. The second I started the car, Annie started screaming. I knew she was just a bit tired, and figured once I got on the freeway, she would pass right out. Oh boy was I wrong!! The entire trip home, which was an hour, she screamed at the top of her lungs. It got to the point where I started thinking of maybe pulling over and feeding her, despite the late hour and my growing exhaustion. I never did, I just kept trucking home and telling Tori how much I loved her. Ha. She was really good the entire time and would talk to Annie and sing to her in hopes it would shut her up. No such luck. Neither of us were successful, although we both kept trying, over and over, and over again.
Once we got home, I was so frustrated that I decided giving the girls their baths would help calm everyone down. I put Annie in her exersaucer, stripped Tori down, and got her bubble bath going. She got in, and Annie started screaming. No biggie, Tori was in the bath, so I ran to get Annie and bring her back with me. In that short amount of time, I come back and Tori is saying "Mommy, I peed." Oh well, wouldn't be the first time she peed in the bath, right? Wrong. She had actually pooped. Now, I won't give you a detailed description, but lets just say this wasn't an easy to clean up poop. I put annie down on the carpet, pulled Tori out, and rinsed the mess down the drain. Tori decided she had to pee again, and sat down on the toilet (Really? Now?). I cleaned the bath with some bleach, rinsed that out, and then ran the bubble bath again for Tori.
All of a sudden, Tori stands up and screams "I WENT POTTY!!!!" Sure enough, she peed in her potty. I was very excited for her, but the anger that had been boiling since the trip home, masked my full enthusiasm. I told her good job, and it was time to clean up. I had just had enough, and wanted to put everyone to bed, myself included. I quickly soaped Tori up and rinsed her off, got her her vitamins, brushed her teeth, and put her in her pjs. Next up: Anneliese.
John walked in from dropping off our friend Derek, and I handed him Annie and said, "PLEASE please please, give her a bath?" I think he saw the desperation in my eyes and agreed. Once she was all clean, we put them both to bed, curled up on the couch together, and I passed out while he played video games until super late.
It was a long night. But, I suppose you can say it was a good one. Ha.

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