Where has this year gone? It certainly has been a whirlwind of a year! Victoria and I have said good bye to John as he walked towards the gate to head to Afghanistan. We've added a new addition to the family, Anneliese Mae. Welcomed John home, and watched his eyes light up when he saw Annie for the first time, and Tori after months of being without her. I've lost friends, and made new ones. Started a new volunteer position to help keep my "non-mom" brain working, and have furthered my skills in the kitchen. Victoria has gone from barely talking, to being able to carry on full conversations about what she did that day and what she would like to do tomorrow. She has developed a wonderful sense of humor and likes to joke around with us. Anneliese has come a long way as well, she's come from the newborn, lump on a log, baby stage to the curious 8 month old she is today. She can now feed herself cherrios and pieces of banana, giggle, understand her name, and she is starting to try to figure out how to crawl, although I still think she is another month or two away from that.
John has passed his Staff Sergeant test and will be putting on his new rank in March, and in September, we will be packing away all our things we didn't sell (if you're interested in anything from our house, let me know, 80% of our things will be sold or given away) and moving half way across the globe to a little town called Misawa in Japan.
Needless to say, I would count this year as a wonderful and successful year. I cannot wait to see what the new year of 2011 brings the Cates family!
Happy New Year to all my friends and family out there in blog-land! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful support system throughout the year and keeping my blog alive.
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