Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life back home

I have been back in Caifornia living with my mom for over a week now. Last time I was here, I wanted to blow my brains out by this time (sorry mom, but, I'm sure you felt the same) not only because it was difficult living with my mother after living on my own and being an adult, but because my brother seems to have a lack of respect towards everyone. But, this time has been a lot different. Not only have I been enjoying my stay, but, I have only gotten in a small argument with my brother once or twice. I would have thought it would have been numerous times with not only him, but also my mom. I love them both dearly, but, I couldn't be happier for leaving and living on my own. Haha. It's difficult to parent when you still have someone trying to parent you.
Anyway, the rain has been really nice. I'm glad the sun is out somewhat today, and it's not super cold, but the rain smells so good here, and it's such a nice change from the snow I have really been enjoying it. My dog on the other hand does not know what to think about the rain. She's gotten better since we've been here over a week and it's been raining 75% of the time, but in the begining she would take a step outside, realize it was raining, turn around and look at me like "mom, you don't expect me to go out in THAT do you??" Haha. It's great that she loves the snow and will frolic around in it for hours if you let her, but the rain is just too much for her to handle.
Other than that, it's been a little wierd being home since all my friends have their own lives, so it's hard to see them. That or they haven't changed at all since I left, which worries me a little. It's fun for a little while, but only when I'm childless and my mom is babysitting. When I have Tori, it's hard to be irresponsible and act like a teenager. In fact, it's impossible. I find myself saying the same things my parents said to me, and it pretty much ruins any chance I have at being a "child" again myself.
Anyway, I'm still alive, and I haven't drowned yet in the huge storms we've been having, and as of right now, it looks like I will be leaving around Valentine's Day, depending on the weather. I've heard this winter is like the el nino we had in the 70's, which had a very cold and wet February. So, if that is true, I may need to leave earlier so I can make it home in time for my next prenatal. As of right now, I am 6.5 months along. Scary how fast this pregnancy is going. It seems like just the other day I was peeing on a stick and telling John it came back positive.

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