Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My little brother is 18!

Today, my little brother (who is now 6 ft +) turns 18 years old. Hard to believe since I remember turning 18 not that long ago. I just sincerely hope it doesn't give him that "I'm an adult" complex. Although, I think that's part of turning 18. You think you are this grown up person and know everything. I know I did. Now looking back at my "old age" (as my brother and his friends told me a month ago) I laugh at how naive I was. I thought I was invincible!

Today is/was also my dad's birthday. He would have been 48 today. This is the 5th birthday he's missed. It gets easier each time, but, it's still hard knowing how young he was and how much he's missed out on. He would be proud of both my brother and myself. I just wish my kids could have met him. Or even my husband. They have so much in common. It makes me laugh whenever John starts talking about something like science fiction or astronomy because I know my dad would have been equally excited about it. He was a great man, and I'm glad I married another great man my dad would have liked.

Anyway, a very happy birthday to my favorite brother of all time! You're a good kid.

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