Monday, December 14, 2009

My new Arch Nemesis: The snow plow guy

The weekend was really great, until it kept snowing and snowing, and our cul-de-sac was not getting plowed. The streets around our cul-de-sac were plowed, but alas, ours was apparently invisible. Finally, Sunday afternoon, the snow plow man put on his glasses and SURPRISE! Discovered a cul-de-sac and houses under all that snow. Unfortunately, our house was still invisible to the man because he decided to plow all the snow into our driveway. So, between shoveling our own driveway and carving out a place for our driveway, our Sunday was pretty busy.
We must have gotten about 2 feet of snow over the weekend, and the snow on Sunday was wet and heavy. I was being a helpful wife and shoveling the driveway with John. I was doing alright as long as I didn't fill up the shovel like I usually do with the nice powder. But, I got a little overzealous and tried to push as much snow from one side of the driveway to the other and ended up loosing the battle. I came to a halt, and decided to just start running to push the shovel. WORST IDEA EVER! Apparently my weight, at a run, was still lighter than the amount of snow I had accumulated, and I went down, face first. It was over so fast! One minute I was standing, well vertically leaning, and the next I was face down in the ice laughing. "Luckily" I landed on my hip and not my enlarged uterus because I think it would have ended in an ER trip. My hip on the other hand was not all that happy.
So, moral of the story, if it's wet heavy snow, DO NOT push more than you can handle. And also, call to complain to your city public works when they aren't doing their job. Hopefully the woman I spoke to today will relay the message onto my nemesis, and we will not not to deal with him and his hatred for our driveway again. Otherwise, I'll have to start listening for him and run out of the house and get mad at him myself.

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