Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Someone needs an attitude adjustment

My hellacious child (can you feel the love oozing?) has decided to make today the worst day ever. On top of having to have 2 finals to complete by Thursday, a mountain of laundry to wash and another to fold, dishes and wiping down the countertops, sweeping and vacuuming, and a scattering of toys across my house to put away, my daughter has decided to throw tantrum after tantrum. The total for timeouts is now up to 5, and it's not even noon. I know she got plenty of sleep last night, but whatever the case, she is not in a good mood.

  • I tried to have her help me pick up her toys, and put all the letter magnets back on the fridge, but instead she threw them at me. So, that was a time out.
  • I asked her to not unfold the blankets I had just folded and put away on the couch armchair, and while looking at me, she slowly pulled the bottom blanket out, unfolding all three of them. Time out number 2.
  • I asked her to come out of my room so I could shut the door (she's not allowed to just hang out in there), and she just continued to play in the dogs bed. Time out number 3.
  • I handed her some books to put away on her shelf, and she ripped out a page. Time out number 4.
  • I sat her in her chair for a snack, and instead of eating her banana and oranges, she threw them at the dog, who wasted no time engulfing them like I hadn't already fed her. Time out number 5.

Needless to say, I will not be able to run my errands today before a friend stops by at 3. I may not even have time to take a shower because instead of having the house picked up before nap time so I can shower, I will be using her nap time to clean.

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