Monday, December 28, 2009

One more week

It seems like just a couple weeks ago we found out John was going to be deploying to Afghanistan, which makes it all that much harder to think that in just one week, he will be boarding his plane leaving Tori, Ozzie, and pregnant me behind. Luckily, it will be a short deployment (thank you Air Force!!!) of about 120 days, so hopefully he'll be back early to mid May, about 4.5 months. Which means he'll be back right after the baby is born, such a relief. I keep worrying he'll be delayed and I'll be here in the snow alone for weeks with a newborn and toddler. Not exactly my idea of a great time.

While John's deployed he will be living in a dorm with 4 other people in his room. Yes, you heard me. 4 men SHARING a dorm room. If you were one of the lucky few to experience dorm life in college, you understand just how crazy this seems. If not, a dorm is about 200 sq feet. I'm not sure if these are larger, but I sure hope so. In order to create privacy, they tell you to bring an extra sheet or blanket so you can hang it up to create a makeshift wall. And one guy was telling John that his mattress was up against the wall in his section, so when he would sleep either his head or his feet were always elevated. Crazy. The good news is, the bathrooms and showers are in the same building, and the dorms are heated. Or at least right now they are. I guess the heat was just fixed, lucky for John. And hopefully they'll stay fixed since Afghanistan is having their cold season right now, which is similar to Utah weather, without the snow.

So, anyway, we're trying to get the last minute supplies and spend as much time together as possible. So, for those of you I still need to contact to thank you for your Christmas gifts, please understand that although the holidays may be over (sort of, New Years is in a couple days) we're still running around trying to get everything we wanted to get done. So, hopefully I will have time this week to call you. Thanks for your understanding.

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