Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

After a long night and early morning (Holiday party, and then driving John back on base to his car so he could go snowboarding), I came back home, looked at the laundry and dishes, and decided not to do them right away (big surprise, I know). Instead, I sat on the couch with my beautiful little girl and fell asleep watching Handy Manny, a cartoon about a handy man and his talking tools, very cute.
Anyway, I was woken up about 30 minutes later by my daughter in my face. At first I had NO idea why she was so close, and to be honest, it definitely startled me. Then she leaned in even closer and kissed me and sat back up and giggled. It was cute, and I had no idea what had given her the idea. So I just decided she was being affectionate, and "accidentally" fell back asleep. After all, her cartoons are entertaining, but not enough to keep me from napping when I know I can and she is safe.
Another 15-20 minutes later, I'm woken up in the same cute way. I finally sit up and decide to figure out what the heck she is trying to do. Then I remembered we've been watching Sleeping Beauty a lot lately. Well, it seemed like John and I were watching it more than her. Her attention span with cartoons is about 30 minutes long, then she runs around and plays with the dog and her toys. I'm not complaining at all, I'd rather her not watch a ton of tv anyway.
But anyway, she has been paying attention a lot more than we thought, and must think the best way to wake someone up is to kiss them. It's too adorable and just had to share.

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