Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One of those days

Yesterday was one constant headache. Between starting school (and the stress of ordering the WRONG textbook due to a mix up at the bookstore) and Tori being a whiny brat, I didn't get anything done, and was just in a terrible mood all day. I don't know what has gotten into Tori, but lately if she doesn't get what she wants, she will just scream and scream until you figure out what it is. And, since I am just as stubborn as her, I tell her unless she can somehow communicate what it is she wants, she won't be getting it. So, we've gone around the room pointing at things and trying them out as well as just letting her sit there and freak out until she realizes I won't pay attention to her when she cries.
Needless to say, it looks like today may be another whiny toddler day... I think what's going on it another one of her teeth is popping through, but, still, she needs to learn not to whine. Or throw herself on the floor when she sees me. I've also learned that when she's alone with daddy, or anyone else, she doens't whine. So.... I don't think she is really in pain. She just thinks she can get away with it with me.
So... for the time being... I'm going to be going crazy until I can tell her to cut it out. Perhaps more time-outs will work. Haha.

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