Friday, August 7, 2009

To work? Or not to work?

About a month ago, I applied to work at the on-base childcare center (CDC) thinking that as soon as I got a job, I would immediately be able to work with Victoria. Well, after calling in today, I discovered that she needs to be put on the current waitlist, but if, when her name comes up, and I do not have a job yet, we will (obviously) have to decline, putting her on an in-active list. Which basically means she won't be able to use the CDC, so I'd be working with other children, and she would be off at some other childcare place, without me.
I guess I thought that everything would work out the way I planned, but, it's just another example of how things never work out the way you want them to. Regardless of how convienient it may have been.
So, I don't even know if I should be applying for jobs at this point since either A) I will get a job before Victoria can get into a daycare or B) Victoria will get into daycare, and I won't be working, so it will be pointless. Not to mention the fact that when I do get a job, we won't be able to afford daycare until I get my first couple of paychecks. And of course, all the other women/moms I know around me work full-time, so it's not like I could even ask them to watch Victoria for a week or two so I can save up some money to put towards her daycare.
This is all very frustrating, and as much as we need extra income, I just don't know if it would even be worth all the hassle. Why can't the military just bend the rules for me just this once. I mean, it's not like it's really hurting anyone. I wish there was a way I could accept the CDC job on the terms that Victoria comes with me... but... that would probably result in me loosing my job offer, and I would never be able to apply agian, and Victoria would never be able to go their either. I'd be blacklisted as "the crazy mom."
As much as I love living away from my hometown, since it gives me this huge self accomplishment of surviving alone, I really wish my family was close. I probably would never even have to pay for childcare since between everyone trading off, the week would not have any openings. It would be like pre-motherhood where I get my entire paycheck to put towards normal bills, instead of $150/week going towards someone else to play with my daughter while I do something less fulfilling, but more financially smart.
I guess it's now time to train my dog to watch Victoria. It will solve all my problems.


  1. I know a great babysitter in Scotts Valley :) se works for thank yous and hugs

  2. Stay her grow...train the dog...just groove! She'll be in school in a minute and graduated in three minutes! Trust me! Enjoy this moment in time!

    Love, Kelly Waters
